When a marriage or relationship breaks down parents are often in agreement that they want what's best for their children. Our Family experts are able to provide sensitive and appropriate advice to assist and guide our clients in trying to reach a negotiated agreement.
In most cases, with the benefit of our advice, parents are able to agree arrangements for their children without the need for any legal proceedings. However, if proceedings are necessary, a Court can be asked to make Orders in relation to children on a wide range of matters.
The Court can make Orders with respect to parental responsibility, as well as where the child will live and the time they should spend with the other parent.
The Court can also prevent an action such as removing a child from the jurisdiction without the Court's consent, and make Orders in relation to specific issues such as religion, medical treatment, surnames and education.
It is essential to seek advice early because sometimes delay in taking legal advice can impact on the future care arrangements for the children, particularly in the early stages of separation, when parents are still trying to find their feet.
Our understanding team of family experts includes:
members of The Law Society Family Panel
a trained collaborative lawyer